• Name of the event: Workshop I
  • Date: 11-12/03/2021
  • Location: Online

During the meeting that took place on March 11 and 12, 2021, we were able to delve into the more technical part of the European Works Councils. We also carried out an intense debate on Collective Bargaining, delving into the European sphere, dealing with such important points as The union and business structure in the European Union: CES, BusinessEurope, CEEP and other social partners. The Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment.
After several turns of words and extensive debate that helped us to deepen more in the European Works Councils, we realized that the EU must be urged to a normative review of the directive so that we can apply it in its entirety at the national level .

The current pandemic generated by COVID 19, which has generated a global crisis, should not be an excuse for demanding labor rights.


The event was broadcast in streaming on YouTube, below you can see the entire meeting

